Why isn't it easier to stop drinking?
September 21, 2021
Are you truly taking responsibility for your alcohol-free journey? Do you often find yourself blaming circumstances or others for the challenges you face? This is a biggie, and it's not always easy to see where we might be giving our power away but we all unknowingly do this to some extent. If you have ever found yourself blaming others for things being difficult (and who hasn't at some point?), then this is the podcast for you. Come see how taking RADICAL responsibility can make the journey to alcohol free-dom not just easier, but more deeply rewarding.
Present and Sober Podcast
Episode 16
Why isn't it easier to stop drinking?
Are you truly taking responsibility for your alcohol-free journey? Do you find yourself blaming circumstances or others for the challenges you face? This is a biggie, and it's not always easy to see where we might be giving our power away but we all unknowingly do this to some extent. If you have ever found yourself blaming others for things being difficult (and who hasn't at some point?), then this is the podcast for you. Come see how taking RADICAL responsibility can make the journey to alcohol free-dom not just easier, but more deeply rewarding.
What you will learn in this episode:
- The AWESOME groups Ellie and I have running from October 🙌🙌🙌
- Why it's not your fault you may have found yourself addicted to an addictive substance (alcohol) - it is your responsibility to own this fact if you truly want to change in a an empowering way (12.00+)
- How blaming others disempowers you from making positive change (12.00+)
- How Ellie's streak of justice gets her in trouble (14.30+)
- How communicating with words is a really powerful way to 'talk' to a partner who is struggling with alcohol (23.00+)
- How loving yourself is a HUGE part of the journey to healing (35.00+)
Be sure to come and have a chat about both of our groups coming in October 😊
Please come and...